Thursday, May 26, 2011

When Its Not Quite A Licensing Issue...

Sometimes, a Windows XP boxes seem to have trouble connecting to a Terminal Services (aka Remote Desktop Services) server.  The user sees an error about the server being out of licenses and the server reports errors that the workstation couldn't get a license. 

At first glance, you think you need to buy more licenses, but it might turn out that you have plenty availble.  The reality is that it's probably the client machine that needs tweaking, not your server.

Pop over to your client machine, fire up REGEDIT and delete HKLM\Sofware\Microsoft\MSLicensing\Store\LICENSExxx.  Take out all the license keys under the store.

The client machine will get new keys when it connects successfully the next time around.

Friday, May 20, 2011

TechEd 2011... Come and Gone!

Time sure flies when you spend nearly a week in conference-land!  I had a great time at TechEd in Atlanta this year, I spent a lot of time catching up with other Microsoft MVPs, staff and favorite vendors as well as making some new friends.  I also had a great time talking to other attendees about Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) during my session and in the Technical Learning Center during the week.

I didn't catch as many sessions as I hoped to this year, but you and I can check out the recorded sessions at MSDN's Channel 9.  I caught some sessions on Exchange 2010, but missed one on transitioning to Exchange 2010 because the room filled right before I arrived!  That will be on my to-do list when I return to the office next week for sure.

Next year, TechEd returns to Orlando in June.  Bring your walking shoes, as always.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

TechEd 2011... Here I Come!

Are you gearing up for TechEd 2011 in Altanta, GA?  If so, I hope to see you around!

This year, I'm not only looking forward to attending some of the sessions and events, but I'll also be presenting on MDOP.  If you want to check out some the tools in the MDOP and see some demos, be sure to add "WCL311: Solving Common IT Pro Pain Points with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack" to you schedule.

Other things on my schedule this year are spending some time working the MDOP booth in the TLC area, hitting several of the Exchange 2010 sessions and enjoying the "Women in Technology" luncheon.

I'll miss out on the Attendee party this year, but I expect it will be a great way to unwind after a packed 4 days of learning and networking.

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