Monday, August 31, 2009

PacITPros - Certifications, BranchCache and Office 2010

PacITPros will be having the September meeting tomorrow night at 6:30pm.

There is quite the line up of topics - Ed Horley, Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Security, will be presenting on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 as a "Better Together" story. Specifically, what items are available only from Windows S2K8R2 with Windows 7 and how they would be compelling to use.

I'll be doing a short presentation of what's new with Microsoft certification tracks (specifically info about the MCITP and MCTS certifications) and Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP in OneNote, will be doing an overview of some of the cool new features in Office 2010. Plus with the VMWare conference going on right down the street, there is sure to be a lot of chatter about what's going on over at the Moscone Center.

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