Monday, March 15, 2010

Reapplying a software assignment GPO to a single computer

At my office, we’ve found that assigning applications for installation using group policies has worked well for our relatively small number of desktops. While the out-of-the-box Active Directory GPO features lack comprehensive reporting tools and other refinements,they get the job done and save us about 100 trips to individual computers.

In general, software assignment is a pretty binary event. The software installs or it doesn’t. Once the software is installed successfully, the policy will not apply again unless it’s changed or set to reapply to all the machines affected by the policy.

But what if you need to reapply a policy to just one machine? For example, we had a machine with an incorrect group membership that result in the GPOs attempting to apply two different versions of the same software. Neither version worked correctly in the end, but the policies were considered “applied” and would not apply again, even after the damaged software was removed.

There is a place in the registry where a machine tracks all the software policies that have been applied – HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Group Policy\AppMgmt.

You need to delete information from two different locations. First, the values for the software package under the AppMgmt key. The values are all in a GUID format, but you can find out the GUID of your application by looking for the Product code in the GPO intself. Find that in "Computer Configuration - Policies - Software Settings - Assigned Applications - (product name) - Deployment Information."

After you delete the proper entry under AppMgmt, find the corresponding application within the AppMgmt tree. This one is easier to find because the application name is listed as one of the values. (The product ID value will also match the GUID you deleted in the first step.) Delete the whole key.

Once the keys are removed, run gupdate \force and then reboot. The software application GPO will apply again.


  1. Thanks great tip! It was one of those things I wanted to learn how to do but never got around to looking into it. Love the comment "...a pretty binary event."

  2. Terrific info. Thank you.

  3. A great little tip when wanting to test GPO software installations. Many Thanks for this.


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