Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wow...Time Flies!

When did it become June already?

The month started out with a bang - if you are a Bay Area techie, hope you didn't miss out on the
PacITPros meeting on June 1st. We enjoyed a presentation by Mark Vinokur with Citrix who covered XenDesktop and XenClient and demostrated how at Citrix, employees can simply subscribe to a service IT provides, and how IT can assemble the right desktop to the right user on the fly.

Next week, I'll be heading out to New Orleans to attend TechEd. It's going to be a busy week, but if you are going to be there, be sure to swing by the TLC area where I'll be helping out at the Springboard booth. I'm hoping I'll be able to find some time to blog about what's going on and some of the sessions I'm planning to attend, so stay tuned!

Finally, I'm bummed that Microsoft has suspended 83-640 and is reverting back to 70-640 starting yesterday (June 2nd). Granted the exams cover the same skills and objectives, so it won't affect your certification goals, but I really enjoyed taking that exam back in it's beta days. It really felt like how I regularly worked and I thought it would really let IT Pros show their true colors while testing. Not everyone is a great standardized test taker and the simulation exam went a long way toward making the test close to "real-life". I hope they work out the kinks and get it back online soon.

1 comment:

  1. yeah. i enjoyed the 83-640 exam. and yes, i'm one of those who don't exactly like standardized tests ("the answer is C!").


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