Thursday, September 16, 2010

Goodbye Live Communications Server 2005

If you happen to be a regular reader of, you probably know that while I'm a big user of Microsoft products, I'm still happy to remove a MS product when something from a 3rd party will meet my needs. 

In this case, it was Live Communications Server 2005 that took the hit.  We have very few users that regularly "instant message" within the office and with our recent Shoretel upgrade, the conference bridge included basic IM services that could be integrated within our VoIP desktop software.  This would reduce the need for us to manage another server VM and free up those resources for other purposes.

I was concerned that removing LCS would be a chore, but it turns out it was quite easy with less than a dozen steps.  Find them here in TechNet.  I also love the great post-removal report that was generated, as I was able to add that to my change control documentation.

While the upcoming version of Microsoft Unified Communications looks like it will have some great collaboration features, sometimes it's easier to just go with something you might already have handy through a third-party, especially if you don't need a lot of bells and whistles.

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