Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Random Bits - Q1 Tweets and Links of Note

Gosh, time flies when the to-do list is stacked full.  Right now, I'm gearing up head to TechEd in Atlanta in a few weeks (more on that later), but meanwhile, here are some fun and informative tweets and links from the last quarter that you might have missed!

Upgrading from Windows 1 to Windows 7 - http://ow.ly/49wir (Mar 7)
@dondonais - RT @buckleyplanet: A new video on how to become a SharePoint site admin (a warning to all) http://youtu.be/-1B2o2ENyi4 (Dec 29)

Social Media
@BAoki - Good social media reminders for newbies and veterans alike from @chrisbrogan http://www.chrisbrogan.com/socialmediaetiquette/ (Feb 25)
@amndw2 - Via @tcarmody, "Five Emotions Invented by the Internet" http://bit.ly/ijPfpP All hauntingly familiar. (Jan 15)

All About IPv6
@spamvikktim - A politically incorrect guide to IPv6, Part I - http://jl.ly/2011/02/18#v6incor (Feb 19)
@joeklein - List of websites supporting #IPv6 http://bit.ly/gmEWNN of the 990476 tested websites only 2903 have one or more IPv6 addresses. (Feb 9)
@sambowne - ty @frankbaitman Brilliant USC video explains the 4 billion Internet addresses and the limits of #IPv4 http://bit.ly/erQQgL (Feb 3)

Other Tweets
@rhalbheer - Something to be proud of: Ethisphere Institute: Microsoft amongst the world’s most ethical companies http://ow.ly/4kskk (Mar 23)
@briankrebs - If you've been scratching your head over RSA's "statement", read Steve Gibson's take. You'll probably learn a lot. http://bit.ly/haJy4x (Mar 19)
@garthobrien -25 Things I Hate About Google, Revisited 5 Years Later http://ow.ly/1bPTHx (Mar 19)
@Nonapeptide - New TheNubbyAdmin.com blog post: The Failure of a SysAdmin – A Tale of Laziness, Good Fortune and Self Loathing http://bit.ly/i2yWfq (Mar 17)
@MSSolutionAccel - Plan your response to malicious software BEFORE it happens! - Solution Accelerators IPD guide for Malware Response http://bit.ly/eBx4oP (Feb 17)

Happy Surfing!

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