Friday, July 22, 2011

You Can't Send That From Here

Recently, an end user of mine was getting immediate NDR messages when sending to an outside party with the error message of "None of your e-mail accounts could send to this recipient."

Normally, I chalk these type of issues up to a temporary problem with the external server, but the fact that it was an immediate NDR indicated it was some type of internal problem. Also, the language of the error message seemed odd, as our users only have one email account and aren't configuring their office Outlook clients to connect to other POP mail services.

While my research didn't turn up the exact scenerio my end user was seeing, it came down to the fact that he replied to a recent email using the "mailto" address link from a previous message that had imbedded the "mailto:" in the email address and Outlook 2007 was mishandling it in some way.

The link had then updated his Outlook autocomplete file to include the "mailto", so every time he tried to send something else to same address, the error reoccured. We had to delete the autocomplete entry and retype the email address to make sure everything worked properly again.

Their is a hotfix ( that address several issues, including this one.I didn't apply the provided fix at this time, since the issue has only come up once so far. But I'll be on the lookout for more of this in case a mass deployment of the fix is required for our desktops.

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