Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Want to be an MCT? Here’s your chance!

The upcoming 2011 North American MCT Summit offers a unique opportunity for anyone seeking to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). Prior to the event, on October 18, there will be a 1.5 day train-the-trainer (TTT) boot camp. This will, assuming successful completion of the session, satisfy the presentation skills requirement for becoming an MCT.

Because the boot camp will be right before the MCT Summit, held October 19-21, upon completion you can then attend the Summit where you'll be able to connect with other MCTs and continue to expand your skill set.

The cost for the event is $700,which includes the TTT event, your MCT fee through the current enrollment period (which ends in April of 2012), and entry to the MCT Summit. Learn more about the MCT Summit at http://www.mctsummit.org/.

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