Wednesday, May 30, 2012

End of the Month Round Up

I'm looking forward to attending TechEd in Orlando in two weeks.  If you haven't already signed up to attend, it might actually be too late!  TechEd is sold out this year and they are accepting names for the waiting list only at this time. I imagine it will be a crazy time, filled with lots of learning and networking with peers. 

I won't be speaking this year, but that just gives me more time to attend some of the great sessions - I'll be concentrating on Active Directory in Server 2012, Exchange 2010, PowerShell and some System Center.

If you are hoping for something more local to your home town, check out the Windows Server 2012 Community Roadshow. US locations will include Houston, Chicago, Irvine, New York and San Jose, just to name a few. Microsoft MVPs will be presenting the content, so don't miss out a free chance to prepare for the release of Server 2012.

Another notable event that's upcoming is the World IPv6 Launch. Check out which major ISPs and web companies are turning on IPv6 for the duration. 

Finally, if you are looking to make some improvements to your personal, cloud-based storage and file management for your personal computers, take a look at SugarSync.  I've been using it for several years and it's been an easy way for me to access files from multiple computers and keep everything synced and backed up.  I've even got a link for a referral if you'd like to try it out.

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