Thursday, June 21, 2012

TechEd 2012 Session Recap

As is likely with many of you, when I return from a conference that has taken me out of the office for more than a day or so, I have plenty of email and tasks to catch up with.  Now that I have a little bit of wiggle room, it's time to try to watch all the sessions I missed at TechEd.

There is one little problem when you are mostly an IT generalist and attend a multi-track conference event.  You simply can't be everywhere you want to be.  I'm so glad that sessions from TechEd are available after the conference for review, otherwise I'd miss out on some great stuff.

Here are some highlights of some of the sessions I attended or viewed so far:

EXL304 An Inside View of Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP2 - I listened to this yesterday and it highlights all the new features in SP2. Most are geared toward either multi-site or multi-tenant needs, but GAL segmentation might be useful for smaller organizations too, depending on your business needs. There are also over 600 bug fixes!

VIR317 Lessons from the Field: 22 VDI and RDS Mistakes You'll Want to Avoid - a lively session with more RDS than VDI mistakes, particularly geared toward farms with more than one RDS Host.

SIA312 What's New in Active Directory in Windows Server 2012 - A great summary of some of the cool AD features that come with Server 2012, particularly support for virtualized domain controllers while avoiding issues like USN Rollback.

WCL324 IPv6 Bootcamp: Get Up to Speed Quickly - IPv6 is here and if you are running Windows 7, you've already deployed it.  So don't forget to spend a little time becoming more "in the know" about what's probably already on your network.

And my to-do list of sessions to watch later!
  • SIA402 - How to (un)Destroy Your Active Directory: Reloaded
  • WSV321 - Windows PowerShell Crash Course
  • SIA300 - Ten Deadly Sins of Administrators about Windows Security
  • VIR308 - What's New in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, Part 1
  • VIR309 - What's New in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, Part 2
 I didn't provide links to each session, but you can find them at MyTechEd or on MSDN's Channel 9.

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