Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Windows 8 - Any Size You Want It

Windows 8 has launched and Microsoft strived to make an OS that can give you a consistent experience as you move between the various devices you use during the day. Using SkyDrive, you can have access to all your important files and pictures from anywhere.

Windows Phone - I've loved my Windows Phone running 7.5, so I'm sure I'm going to love Windows 8.  Pin apps, pin people and customize your phone to meet your needs as often as they change.  I often create new groups of people using People Hub depending on events that I'm attending or what's going on.  Just this week, I had a "Sandy" tile - keeping all the tweets and post from my east coast friends and family front and center.  I will admit I'm a bit of a diva regarding the form factor though, so that might be what holds me back. Most of the phones being offered right now with Windows 8 are too big for my taste.

Surface - Scale up a bit from your phone and grab a Microsoft Surface.  The RT version is available for ordering now and rumor has the Intel (Pro) version is due out in a few months.  I need some of the enterprise features that will be available with the Pro version for work, so I'll likely be waiting a bit for that as well unless someone wants to send me a RT version to play with!

Desktop - Finally, meet Windows 8 on the desktop.  With or without a touch screen, Windows 8 brings you the same tiled experience as the phone and the Surface.  From now until January 31st, you can upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for only $39.99.  Use the Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant to see if your existing computer can run it.

Finally, if you want to experience some additional buzz around Windows 8, Server 2012 and the newest version of Microsoft Office, check out The New Era of Work, Microsoft's 2012 Launch Event.  Events are being held in various locations throughout the US from now until the end of the year.

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