Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Because 365 Days to XP EOS was SO YESTERDAY!

You probably saw it mentioned a million times yesterday. End of Support for Windows XP is April 8, 2014. Today, it's probably old news. Or you've noted it and moved on. 

Well, unless you've moved to Windows 7 or Windows 8, you still need to pay attention - yesterday's news or not.  Check out the Springboard Series Blog and Steven Rose's post on the countdown to the end of XP Support.

And in case you missed them, here are a few other products with End of Support dates in the recent past or near future.

Server 2003 - 7/14/2015
SQL Server 2000 - 4/9/2013
Office 2003 - 4/8/2014

Exchange 2010 SP 1 - 1/8/2013
Office 2007 SP 2 - 1/8/2013

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