Friday, November 1, 2013

Northern California Powershell Users Group in SF!

Tonight, I had the honor of hosting the Northern California Powershell Users Group in San Francisco.  The topic was using Azure with Powershell.

For those of you who were there, a lot of conversation revolved around provisioning and managing Azure and I wanted to mention that Microsoft (via Technet Events) just finished up a round of IT Camps for Azure IaaS.

At those events, attendees build out a dev/test environment in Azure and while most of the lab guide detailed everything out with using the GUI, there was a bonus challenge at the end that included doing everything with Powershell.

If you are looking to start using Azure with Powershell and want a good place to start experimenting, I suggest getting a free Azure Trial and then downloading the lab manual to give it a shot yourself.  You can find a copy of the lab manual at under the “Azure Camp – Fall 2013” folder.

You’ll find the “Challenge Exercise” and instructions on where to find the necessary Powershell, towards the end of the manual.


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