Thursday, November 13, 2014

You Bought It... AND You Can Bring It!

Consumers want what they want. And when those consumers arrive at their place of work, they still want to use what they like. It seems like it wasn't that long ago where the best technology you had access to was at the office, but these days that's not always the case.

If you are looking to address "Bringing Your Own Device" in your organization, need to update corporate policies to support more current device lifecycles and get your hands around managing your applications and data on whatever device tries to connect to your data center, Kevin Remde has got you covered.

Check out his multipart series on just that topic.  It started out last December with Part 1 -What It Means for My Company, continued with Part 2 - How to Make it Happen and recently summed up things with Part 3.

In PART 3 - BYOD Design Considerations, Kevin Remde welcomes back Yuri Diogenes to the show as they continue their discussion around the benefits, challenges and considerations businesses must make around Bring Your Device (BYOD) and how IT organizations can support it.  
  • [2:46] Why don't you give us a summary on the concept of BYOD?
  • [6:20] I understand that recently you and your team have published some really useful resources to the Microsoft TechNet online documentation.  What have you created for us?
  • [9:26]  How should one use the BYOD Design Consideration Guide?
  • [13:51]  Can you give us an example of how an IT organization can use this guide in a real-world BYOD scenario?
Check out the FREE “BYOD Design Considerations Guideand start giving people what they need, where they want it.  Working hard doesn't always happen in the office.

** 11/21/14 Update ** Want to learn more about BYOD tools and Mobile Device Management?  Don't miss this upcoming MVA - Taming Android and iOS with Enterprise Mobility Suite with Kevin Remde and Simon May on 12/8/14. 

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