Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Seattle IT Pros: Feb 4th is the next SITPUG Meeting!

The  next meeting for the Seattle IT Pros User Group is scheduled for Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at the Microsoft Civica Office Commons (South Tower) in Bellevue, WA at 6:00PM. Please RSVP if  you will be attending! 

The guest speaker will be Ben Armstrong of Microsoft. Officially Ben is a Principle Program Manager at Microsoft who works on the Hyper-V development team. Unofficially, he is the virtualization guru at Microsoft. Some of you may know him as the Virtual PC Guy from his blog posts on MSDN. The topic of his presentation is Hyper-V in Windows 10. Ben will discuss the new functionality for Hyper-V that is coming in Windows 10 and the new scenarios Microsoft is hoping to enable in the new version.

Ben’s complete bio is available here.

Windows 8 Giveaway
SITPUG will be giving away a copy of Windows 8 Professional at the meeting. The name of the lucky winner will be announced at the end of the meeting. Please check out the rules on the SITPUG Web site.

The meeting is held at the Microsoft Civica Office in Bellevue. Parking will be validated by the receptionist at the sign in. Visit the Directions page for details.

Microsoft Civica Office
205 108th Avenue NE
Suite 200 (4th floor)
Bellevue, WA 98004

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