Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Imperfect Lab: Check out the Microsoft Test Lab Guides

If you've been reading along for a while now, you know I've been having a blast building and expanding my Imperfect Lab. But I admit, if you are looking for a full step-by-step guide to what to actually put in you lab, I've haven't given you all that.  But I do know somewhere you can look!

Available right inside the official Azure documentation is the details (including PowerShell) for setting up a hybrid cloud environment for testing.  Now, this first guide requires you to have a physical data center lab to connect to using RRAS, but you can easily rework it for a VNET-to-VNET if that's what you desire, by following these instructions instead.

Once you have the basics in place, you can do things like build a full SharePoint Farm (on my short list), set up a Web-based LOB application or set up DirSync. Or do all of them!

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