Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SITPUG Meets Again on May 13th

If you are a Seattle local, the May SITPUG meeting has been scheduled!

Due to Microsoft Ignite conference in Chicago the week of May 4th, the meeting has been moved to the following Wednesday. SITPUG will meet on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 from 6pm-8pm at the Microsoft Civica Office in Bellevue.

Presentation - Extending your Datacenter to Azure with Virtual Networks and PowerShell:
You might love your on-premises datacenter and the GUI tools Microsoft has provided since the NT 4.0 days but the cloud is here to stay and it’s sometimes easier to manage the cloud if you leave the GUI behind. Learn how you can use a VPN to connect your datacenter to Azure, or how to create your own test lab in the cloud, then use PowerShell to create and manage Virtual Machines (VMs) from your desktop.

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