Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Windows 10 Lands July 29th

Are you ready?  There has been a lot of information flying around about Windows 10 and I have to admit, I'm looking forward to seeing it officially released.  With the Windows Insider program and personally getting to use early releases internally at Microsoft, I almost feel like July 29th will be anti-climatic for a lot of people.

But then over the weekend I had a conversation with my father about the "notification" for Windows 10 in his task bar, a discussion about if he and my mother will want Windows 10 for their computers and the realization that part of my summer vacation to visit them will involve showing them Windows 10 and helping them decide if the upgrade is right for them.  So not every is on the cutting edge!

For a great overview of what's to come with Windows 10 for Enterprise, check out this overview video from Ignite. If you want to dig down into the changes we are making when it comes to cyber-threats, watch this one, too.

For those of you who dislike that little notification thingy or need it removed for some reason, it's delivered via KB33035583 and you can find lots of instructions on how to remove that on the 'net, like this.

If you aren't ready for Windows 10 yet, you can stay on your existing operating system if it's still supported and mark your calendar for these important dates:
  • 4/11/2017 - Extended support ends for Windows Vista
  • 1/09/2018 - Mainstream support ends for Windows 8.1
  • 1/14/2020 - Extended support ends for Windows 7 SP1
  • 1/10/2023 - Extended support ends for Windows 8.1
For those of you who want to get on-board with Windows 10 *right now*, visit the Windows Insider program and join in. It's not too late!

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