Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting Busy(er) with Group Policy Perferences

Spent the afternoon away from the office yesterday attending a seminar hosted by BeyondTrust. They had Derek Melber, an MVP for Group Policy, presenting on Enterprise Security and Standardization. It a was great presentation and served to remind me about all the features I was missing out on by not getting around to taking advantage of Group Policy Preferences.

Because you know how it goes. You spend a few thousand company dollars attended TechEd or another conference along the same lines and spend the week in awe of all the things you want to do when you get back to the office. And then you return to a world of help desk calls, a backlog of emails, and series of small fires and - well, you just slip back into the old grind.

I was determined to not let this slide again. Today I got into the office, banged out a few help desk tickets and set myself up a shiny new VM with Vista SP1 and the RSAT tools. Then I popped over to my WSUS server to hunt down the required XP Client Side Extensions. (They are a "feature pack", which is not something I usually have WSUS sync for, so I needed to make that adjustment.) Then I approved that update for all my XP workstations for the next update cycle.

On Monday, I hope to be able to start putting together some new GPOs that will replace my logon scripts. Assuming there aren't any fires smoldering, of course.

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