Monday, September 21, 2009

Moving Up to RTM for Windows 7

Finally found a moment to install the RTM version of Windows 7 Ultimate on my netbook. I know there was some grumbling on the Internet about how one can't directly upgrade from the RC to RTM of Windows 7, but I hardly found it a problem. I'm a big fan of clean installs.

First off, I used a USB key for the install instead of the DVD, which completely sliced of the time it took for the installation down to about 45 minutes. For tips on how to set your USB key up for this task, check out this TechNet Tip on Using a USB Key to Install Windows 7.

I did backup all my personal documents before running the installation, but counted on the fact that the "windows.old" directory would have everything I'd want to transfer. Sure enough, it only took a couple clicks to return my documents, photos and music back to their rightful place. I had to handle a few driver issues again (see my previous post about installing windows on the Samsung NC10) so could get my function keys working properly. But since I had downloaded those before, they were also in the "windows.old" directory.

The only thing left after that was the applications I use on a regular basis. The majority of the applications I use are web-based, so I was left with reinstalling AV software, iTunes, Firefox, OpenOffice and a few other minor items. Once that was done, I was back in action.

I admit I didn't do everything all in one setting, but overall I don't think it would have taken me more that 2.5 hours from start to finish if I had. Not too shabby.

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