Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Windows Server July 2010 Support Changes

On July 13, 2010, serveral Windows Server products will hit new points in their support lifecycle. Windows 2000 Server will move out of Extended Support and will no longer be publicly supported. Windows Server 2003 and Server 2003 R2 will be moving from Mainstream Support to Extended Support. Extended Support will last another 5 years.

This forces a new deadline on the some of the improvements that need to be planned at my office. Our phone system and our main file server are still operating on 2000 Server. I have been planning to upgrade the phone system for a long time now, but it continually gets pushed back due to other more pressing projects. Our file server is an aging, but sturdy, HP StorageWorks NAS b3000 - "Windows-powered" with specialized version of 2000 Server. Both deserve more attention than they've been getting lately, so now there is a reason to move those items higher up on the list.

For more information about these support changes, check out "Support Changes Coming July 2010" at the Windows Server Division Weblog.

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