Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Installing IIS for SQL 2005 and SharePoint

I've started planning out an installation of SharePoint at work and have found myself installing some of the necessary WSS 3.0 components in the lab. I want to set up SharePoint as a small server farm on one server, which requires SQL to be pre-installed. Both SQL 2005 (if you want all the services) and WSS 3.0 require IIS, but the default installation of IIS on Windows Server 2008 does not include all the necessary components for either one.

First to support WSS 3.o, you'll need to make sure all the components in this list are selected. But if you go with the just components on that list, you'll still get a warning about "IIS Feature Requirement" when installing SQL 2005. Most of the necessary components overlap with WSS 3.0 except for one - HTTP Redirection - so be sure to select that one as well.

Finally, if you are looking around for some WSS 3.0 installation guides, here is a link to some of the downloadable documentation. Perfect if you are looking for some fresh reading on your Kindle.

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