Monday, August 16, 2010

ImageRight 5.2 Has Arrived!

Over the weekend, I worked with Vertafore support staff to upgrade our ImageRight installation from 4.x to 5.x.  While it wasn't a flawless process, it was successful in the end.  The support techs had to reinstall several of the server-side components twice, but this could have been related to the fact that our 4.x system was an upgrade from a 3.x version and there was a lot that needed to be cleaned up.

Outside of that hurdle, any other delays or issues we ran into over the weekend stemmed purely from a "documentation" standpoint.  For example, I was provided with the "Installation and Upgrade Guide" which I reviewed before the upgrade.  There were a couple things to note in there that weren't the case when we were actually doing the implementation.
  • The application server software lists Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (Not SP1) as a requirement, but SP1 was okay to have.
  • It was noted that there were two new functionality rights for the enterprise scanner software that needed to be enabled - "Scanner - Scan to File" and "Scanner - Scan to Workflow".  However, "Scanner - Source Menu - Scan Batch" is also required.  There are several new scanner related functionality rights that control other options that you might need to enable as well, depending on what features your scanner operators already use.
When tackling the client desktops there were a few more road bumps.  I was missing the very important "ImageRight Desktop Installation Using Push Technology" that provided some key information for getting the desktop application deployed with Active Directory group policies.  For the 4.x version, we only had to deploy the desktop MSI file.  This time around you need two policies to deploy some prerequisite components that the manual installation process automatically call, as well as a transform file to make sure your application server and authentication information  gets in the local configuration files on the workstations. 

All of that (and more) is detailed in the "Push" guide - I didn't even use all the recommendations because I thought they were a bit too lenient for GPOs just used for software installation. Also, it was recommended that we completely uninstall the previous components from the workstation, so we pushed a different script first to remove all the ImageRight software and then applied our new GPOs.

Finally, we do have a post-upgrade issue with annotations not displaying correctly when "wrapped".  There were some added features related to annotation control, specifically the ability to control if an annotation can be resized or not.  Many of our users resize boxes to automatically wrap the text in a text box or stamp, so it's likely this display issue stems from that feature change.  Hopefully we'll have a good resolution for that shortly.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to joining other ImageRight users at the Vertafore Connection Tour next week in Las Vegas.  I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about!


  1. Where can you find the "ImageRight Desktop Installation Using Push Technology" document?

  2. It is not posted in MyVertafore... You just have to ask your support rep for it.

  3. Hello Jennelle - curious - with Imageright 5.x - and from the days of Nearline, Optical/UDO - do you know or have had experience of anyone taking to Azure for storage/backups?

    1. Hi Citizen X, I can't say I do, but its an interesting idea. It would probably be easiest with an intermediary device (like StoreSimple) to do the push to Azure, just because the ImageRight system likely only accesses things via SMB. Another way to leverage Azure for ImageRight would be in the SQL Server behind it is current enough, you can backup SQL directly to Azure using the REST APIs.


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