Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Adventures at Microsoft

I love being a Sys Admin.  For the last 15 years, I've learned so much about managing systems and working with the people that use those systems to accomplish their jobs. Plus, over the last several years, I've enjoyed being part of the IT Professional community, through the PacITPros User Group, from attending and staffing conferences like TechMentor, TechEd and TechDays and as a Microsoft MVP. 

I've made so many great connections, learned many cool new things.  Not sure I would consider having it any other way. But sometimes an opportunity opens up that takes you in a different (but related!) direction and that's what has happened to me.

As of yesterday, I've joined Microsoft as an IT Pro Evangelist.  I'm looking forward to getting to spend more time with the IT community and hopefully, learning a lot more things I can share!  I'll be primarily responsible for the Bay Area, so don't worry, I won't be going far. :-)


  1. Congrats! You will be a perfect fit for that job! Now, is it too much to hope that the job brings you down here to the LA area at times?

    1. Thanks! I'm supposed to be covering the Bay Area mostly, but you never know!

  2. Congratulations! You will be great, and we all support you in this new adventure!! Microsoft got something right, selecting YOU for the job!

  3. congrats you deserve this job I am also work on I.T department and this is my dream to work in Microsoft you are lucky Jennelle wish you best of luck

  4. Great news! PacITPros now has a blue badge guarantee, well, close to a guarantee ;)
    - Ed


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