Wednesday, June 5, 2013

That Sinking "TechEd" Feeling...

Turns out, even though I not at TechEd in New Orleans, I still am experiencing that sinking feeling in my stomach, reminding me that once again I probably have too many new things to learn and probably not enough time to learn them!

There have been a lot of great announcements coming out of the conference so far and it's only half over.  Here are some highlights I recommend you check out:
  • On the Springboard Series Blog - What's New for the Enterprise with Windows 8.1 by Stephen Rose.  Lots of new features to help make Windows 8 easier to support in your enterprise.
  • TechEd Keynote - Get a quick overview of everything on the horizon from Microsoft.
  • Transform the Datacenter - Jeffery Snover and Jeff Wollsey cover the 3 different ways you can use Microsoft technology to support datacenter operations in the cloud, on-premise or in hybrid forms.
And if you REALLY don't know where to begin, click here and see a list of available presentations sorted by the most views.

Happy learning!

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