Monday, November 23, 2015



Seems you've found by blog by an old link or something, which is totally cool.  But... you won't find anything new here.  Please visit me at my new blog location -


Goodbye November

November seemed like a pretty busy month for me, so I'm looking forward to starting off a more relaxing holiday season, where I can get caught up with friends, family and abandoned side projects!  I was doing a lot of presentations at a variety of places this past month and I know many of you might have asked for access to slides and various content.

If you've attended any of the "Ignite Your Business" events for Windows 10, you can find content related to that at:

If you've seen me at:
  • LearnIT! (San Francisco, 10/31)
  • Silicon Valley Code Camp (San Jose, 10/3)
  • Central CA .NET User Group (Fresno, 11/19)
  • IC3 DevOps Conference (San Jose, 10/10)

You can find those presentations on

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Upcoming Events... Cool Stuff, In Person!

Are you in the Portland area?  Are you a SharePoint fan?  A favorite MVP of mine, Zubair Alexander will be presenting at SharePointlanda 2015 this coming Saturday (Nov 14th).  You can still join him!

Not into SharePoint? Are you thinking about Windows 10 for your enterprise instead?  I've got you covered for that too...  My fellow Tech Evangelists are hitting a bunch of cities across the US over the next several weeks.  Boston, Atlanta, Philly, Dallas, to name just a few.  Learn more at Ignite Your Business.

And for you folks who are stuck in the office, check out Part 7 of Blain Barton's "To The Cloud" series! Blain Barton welcomes Microsoft MVP Adnan Cartwright to the show as they discuss the inner workings of Server Manager in Windows Server 2012 R2 and how you can manage roles and features in the cloud.

  • [10:04] DEMO: Introduction to Server Manager
If you're interested in learning more about the products or solutions discussed in this episode, click on any of the below links for free, in-depth information:
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Friday, October 16, 2015

Blain Barton's "To the Cloud" Series Continues!

In Part 6 in the “To the Cloud” series, Blain Barton, Tommy Patterson and Dan Stolts, provide an overview of the benefits of running servers without the physical hardware using Microsoft Azure.   Learn how large and small to mid-sized companies can rent compute, storage, and networking resources by using datacenter hardware to deploy virtual machines (VMs).
  • [10:25] DEMO: Azure Virtual Machine Gallery
If you're interested in learning more about the products or solutions discussed in this episode, click on any of the below links for free, in-depth information:

Websites & Blogs:

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Tech of Blogging

I've been blogging about technology for about 10 years now.  And the majority of that time has been on the Blogger platform.  I went with Blogger back in the day, because it was a simple platform that was flexible enough for what I needed without too much hassle.

But now, in 2015, I'm starting to hit some limitations. And sure, a lot of those limitations might be worked around and I'm a geeky person, but the reality is - out of all the things I like to geek out about, tweaking my blog platform and website just…. isn't it.

Also, my domain registrar starting charging for things that used to be free a while back (like probably close to two years ago) and I've been so busy with "life" that I just pay to keep the lights on so to speak, without really looking at the offerings and seeing how that ties in with what I'm doing with my blog.

So I starting thinking about how I wanted to manage it next… And never really thought about it much until Troy Hunt put it into words a bit earlier this month.

So I started thinking about my domain and blog related things that needed improvement. Some points…

  1. I like the convenience of widgets and easy theme management.
  2. I've dabbled with WordPress in the past, but not sure I want to go with the hosted version or run my own web server in the cloud.  And honestly, at the time I didn't really feel like learning another platform.
  3. I did take a peek at, but didn't feel it had the dashboard management that comes with WordPress and I kind of want to stay away from CSS editing if I can help it for theme adjustments.
  4. I married a UX designer who's spent some time designing for WordPress (handy!).

So I quizzed the hubby about what he thought and recognized the fact that I really want my blog management to be as "non-techie" as possible, because it really has to be the least of my worries.   As fun as it might be to self-host my own WordPress instance in Azure, I don't want to have to deal with having to do any "webmaster" things - I don't want to be THAT responsible.  I just want to post when I need to post and change or update other elements of the site (like navigation and colors) without having to dig into HTML or CSS.

So that being said… I'll probably start looking at working out my migration to a new platform before the end of the year.  Let the side project begin!

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