Jennelle is a Microsoft Azure Specialist, Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Enterprise Administrator for Windows 7 and Server 2008, an Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) for Server 2003/Messaging and an MCSA for Windows 8. She was awarded her 4th MVP Award in January 2013.
Social Media!
- Find her TechNet Blog at
- She's on Twitter as @jkc137.
- Facebook - Like/Follow her shared page with UberGeekGirl Jessica DeVita -
- Tip: Make sure to customize your message if you want me to connect to you, I can't always tell by your name or picture where we've met!
- Velocity 2015 - Not Your Parents' Microsoft (5/28/15)
- Microsoft Virtual Academy - Modernizing Your Data Center JumpStart (10/28/14)
- TechNet Radio - multiple events
- Powerscripting Podcast, Episode 282 (8/14/14)
- Podcast (4/9/14)
- TechDays 2013 WIT Panel on RunAsRadio (5/22/13)