Monday, September 24, 2012

PowerShell... Now Less Daunting

Last Friday, I had the luxury of attending another PacITPros TechDays... It was all about PowerShell.  Jason Helmick taught in SF and in the East Bay.  Both days were completely packed. PowerShell IS where Windows is going for administration.

If you haven't had the chance to listen to Jason talk about PowerShell, you are missing a great chance to learn how to use it. Jason is fun, upbeat and knows his stuff.  Check out his blog ( for more about PowerShell.  He might just mention where he'll be speaking next.

So what did I take away from the class?

1) Learn this: get-help
Seriously, it's ALL about RTFM. Learn it, love it, learn how to use it. It's all there.

2) Don't type this:  get-service | stop-service
PowerShell can give you a bunch of ways to make your job easier and another bunch of ways to screw up big time. Read and comprehend before you press enter. PowerShell doesn't ask if you are sure.

After 8 hours of lecture and labs, Jason didn't teach us the "Top 10 PowerShell Commands for Administering Windows".  We didn't walk out of class with a handout of the everything we'd need to know.  Quite the contrary.  Jason taught us where to find what we needed and how to figure out if whatever we were trying to do would work or not.  And that is really all you need to be comfortable with the command line of the future for Windows.

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