Monday, June 30, 2014

The Last Part of "Accelerate DevOps in the Cloud" on TechNet Radio

Alright everyone, all good things must come to an end.  Here is the last part of the DevOps Series on TechNet Radio.

Concluding the special “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer welcomes back Jeff Fattic to the show as they discuss how Visual Studio Online can help DevOps organizations optimize the performance of their applications in Part 10.
  • [2:16] How does Visual Studio Online help organizations monitor the performance of their applications?
  • [5:16] Can Application Insights notify me proactively when performance issues are occurring?
  • [6:00]  Can Application Insights help me track and ensure availability of my deployed applications world-wide?
  • [6:32] Can Application Insights help me understand how my users are actually using my deployed applications?
  • [8:16] What about an application that is generating exceptions? Can Application Insights help my Developers and Ops teams work together to identify the issue and reduce "finger pointing"?
  • [11:08] Does Application Insights require me to deploy applications to Azure, or can I also continue to deploy some applications on-premises and still monitor them?
  • [13:12] How can I configure Application Insights for an application? Is it difficult?
  • [13:50] DEMO: Application Insights

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Acclerate DevOps with the Cloud - I'm hosting Part 8 on TechNet Radio!

As promised, in part 8 of the  “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer and Jennelle Crothers explore the world of roll-backs and how Microsoft Azure can streamline both the roll-back and roll-forward process for most dev teams.

  • [1:40] It seems like most dev teams spend lots of time on roll-forward plans for new code releases, but roll-backs are always a chore! Why is this?
  • [3:28] How can Azure help to streamline the roll-forward and roll-back process?
  • [8:00]  What about Virtual Machines – does Azure have anything to help with roll-forward and roll-back?
  • [9:44]  I hear a lot of "Continuous Deployment" of code releases. Isn't that risky?
  • [13:40] DEMO: Let’s see how this is done in Azure!
Then in part 9 of the series, Keith Mayer and Yung Chou are back and discuss in depth the ability for DevOps organizations to scale up or scale down cloud applications. Tune in as they discuss Azure’s unique flexibility in terms of capacity planning for cloud applications.
·       [1:07] How is planning for application capacity different when using a cloud platform?
·       [4:50] How is scaling application capacity different or better when using the cloud?
·       [5:52]  Are there application scenarios that are particularly well-suited for scaling in the cloud?
·       [14:01]  Is there a way to trigger scaling operations automatically for applications in the cloud?
·       [15:20] DEMO: Could you show us the basics of how this all works in Azure?
o   Scaling Up Cloud Applications
o   How to Scale Out Cloud applications on a schedule
o   Auto-Scaling Cloud Applications

Only one more part to go!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More From TechEd - Tuesday Sessions

It's Tuesday, so a perfect time to flashback to some sessions that looked interesting to me from Day 2 of  TechEd 2014. These are all available on Channel 9.

  • Effortless Migration from VMware to Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V (DCIM-B412)
  • Best Practices for Integrating On-Premise Datacenters with Microsoft Azure IaaS (DCIM-B330)
  • Security and Microsoft Azure IaaS (DCIM-B385)
  • TWC: Data Privacy and Protection in the Cloud (OFC-B233)
  • Group Policy: Notes from the Field - Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting (WIN-B328)
  • TWC: Social Engineering: Manipulations, Targeted Attacks, and IT Security (PCIT-B319)

Go forth and learn something today!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud - Part 7 on TechNet Radio!

In part 7 of the  "Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud" series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer and Yung Chou welcome Sr. Program Manager Michael Greene to the show as they discuss the importance of configuration management for organizations that are starting to leverage the cloud for their daily operations. Tune in as they also demo PowerShell DSC and show us how it can be used with Azure. 
  • [2:30] When an organization is beginning to leverage the cloud, why is Configuration Management important?
  • [5:01] How is Configuration Management different from Automation?
  • [6:48]  Is Configuration Management more than just initial provisioning?
  • [10:29]  What tools and resources are available to perform Configuration Management?
  • [13:03] How does PowerShell DSC differ from PowerShell scripts?
  • [15:11] Is PowerShell DSC specific to only Windows workloads?
  • [17:23] DEMO: Can you show us how PowerShell DSC can be leveraged with Azure?

Download the PowerShell DSC Resource Kit here!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Got an Idea for the Next Big Thing? Get Started Here...

If you didn't catch this flitting by on the inter-webs recently, the latest, smallest startup idea is, a service that mails you quarters so you have them come laundry time.

Seriously, I should have thought of this.  We build up some much spare change at home I could start sending people rolled quarters for a fee, without having to even visit the bank. Maybe that's why I didn't think of it... I didn't realize others had a quarter procurement problem.

At any rate, YOU might have a good idea, or even a silly one that might be worth a spin to see if it takes off. And to make that dream move closer to reality, you'll need a few tools to get started.

Enter BizSpark. The BizSpark program gives you a great set of tools (like Visual Studio) for developing your own app or business idea - basically you get a Microsoft MSDN subscription and Azure credits.  For FREE. For 3 years. It's a good deal.  It's even better than good.

All you need is a Microsoft account and meet the following requirements:
  • Developing software or apps
  • Less than 5 years old and privately held
  • Making less than one Million dollars (US) annually
That's it. Want to get started this weekend?  Click here and go!

Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud - Parts 5 & 6 on TechNet Radio

In case you are curious, there are 8 parts to this TechNet Radio series, so expect 2 more.  Part 8 will be especially exciting since I'll be the host!

In Part 5 of the  “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Tommy Patterson welcomes Developer Technology Solutions Specialist Randy Pagels to the show as they discuss ways in which your budding DevOps organization can find effective testing methods by using Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Online.   

  • [2:00]Why is having an effective Testing process so critical when an organization is considering their DevOps strategy?
  • [4:50] How does Visual Studio Online + Azure help to streamline and accelerate the testing process?
  • [6:00]  Performance is another area that Dev and Ops teams struggle with prior to the release of a solution, how can it be tested to determine what kind of load it can handle?
  • [8:30]  What's the difference between test plan management in Visual Studio Online vs Visual Studio Ultimate?
  • [9:00] DEMO: Creating and walking through a web-based test plan in Visual Studio Online
Continuing the series in Part 6, Yung Chou welcomes Sr. Program Manager Charles Joy to the show as they discuss the be the importance of automation in your datacenter especially when it comes to advancing your DevOps strategy.

  • [2:36] How does automation help organizations accelerate the delivery of new solutions as they move to the Cloud?
  • [5:18] What tools and resources are available to help IT Pros get started with automation? Do they need to be a professional "scripter"?
  • [6:04]  Do IT Pros need to learn a different set of tools for automating each component?
  • [6:26]  If an IT Pro is automating cloud resources in Azure, do they have to spin up an entire set of infrastructure components just to handle automation? How does Azure automation organize and leverage these automation sequences?
  • [7:22] How can Runbooks be triggered? Based on schedule? Based on other events?
  • [8:24] Is Azure Automation extensible? Can I incorporate other PowerShell modules?
  • [9:10] DEMO: Quick walkthrough of Azure Automation accounts, assets, runbooks, schedule

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Yesterday's Tweets

Yes, these really are tweets from yesterday.  I found myself marking a lot more tweets as "favorites" for reading in the future so I figured I'd share them.
Good stuff you might have missed, because I almost did!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hybrid Cloud - The Three Part Series

Looking for more ways to learn about how the "cloud" is changing the IT industry?   

Then join Microsoft Technical Fellow Mark Russinovich and Microsoft Corporate Vice President Brad Anderson, for a three part Hybrid Cloud series.  Learn more about what the emergence of cloud means for your IT strategy and how Microsoft is driving innovation as we create more options for customers to extend from the datacenter to the cloud.

Episode 1 covers the basics of hybrid cloud including Microsoft’s definition of the hybrid cloud, its key benefits, and how hybrid cloud solutions will evolve with broader trends in the IT industry.  Get the background you need to understand what “hybrid” means today. Available on-demand:

Episode 2 focuses on how hybrid options are changing the way companies approach IT infrastructure. New capabilities mean new opportunities, and we’ll look at concrete examples of how you can make hybrid part of your toolkit.  Rethink the basics and learn what’s new.  Available June 23, with live Q&A from Mark and Brad:

Episode 3 features an in-depth discussion of infrastructure modernization. As you upgrade from Windows Server 2003, how should you think about hybrid options?  How can cloud help you create a more agile infrastructure?  Hear from our experts about how to make this transition work for you.  Airs July 17, 2014, with live Q&A from Mark & Brad.  Registration info coming soon!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud - Part 4 on TechNet Radio!

About this Video:
In Part 4 of the  “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer welcomes Developer Technology Solutions Specialist Jeff Fattic to the show as they discuss source control in the cloud with the help of Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio Online.

  • [1:48] What is Visual Studio Online?
  • [2:32] Is Visual Studio Online only for Developers, or does it provide value to IT Pros as well?
  • [3:08]  What's the difference between Visual Studio Online and TFS?
  • [4:28]  How can Visual Studio Online be leveraged with Microsoft Azure to help accelerate projects?
  • [7:08] How is Github different than Visual Studio Online? Are there advantages for Enterprises to use Visual Studio Online vs. Github?  
  • [9:52] What's the single most exciting capability for you about Visual Studio Online?
  • [11:47] How can IT Organizations best get started with Visual Studio Online? Where can they go to learn more about Visual Studio Online?
  • [12:05] DEMO: Visual Studio Online in action
Check out the full series of posts and videos at!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud - Part 3 on TechNet Radio!

In Part 3 of the  “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio,  Blain Barton and Keith Mayer turn the conversation towards enabling self-service on demand Developer environments in the cloud. Learn how you can use Microsoft Azure along with System Center 2012 R2 App Controller and the Azure Pack to increase work efficiency across your organization.

  • [1:16] It seems like Dev and Test environments have been a key workload that organizations are considering for the Cloud. What do you think makes Dev/Test so attractive for the Cloud?
  • [3:44] What's the best way to consider licensing my Developers for provisioning Dev/Test workloads on Azure?
  • [5:44]  $150/mo sounds like a great starting point, but realistically how much can a Developer really do in Azure for $150 / mo?
  • [8:04]  I'm concerned about my developers spinning up their Azure MSDN subscriptions using individual Microsoft accounts. Can I somehow link these to my organization and Active Directory?
  • [9:39] You mentioned that MSDN includes special prebuilt images for Azure? What do these images provide?
  • [11:50] If I'm using my own custom developer images in my environment, can I upload these to Azure for my developers to leverage?
  • [13:50] Lots of organizations have workloads that span on-premises and, potentially, public cloud ... Does Azure provide the ability to integrate with on-premises datacenter management?
  • [16:50] DEMO: Azure Management Portal, System Center 2012 R2 App Controller, Azure Pack
Have you missed on the series so far?  Looking for the previous TechNet Radio episodes?  Find it all here!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud - Part 2 on TechNet Radio

Tune in with Matt Hester and Keith Mayer continue the special “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio and in part 2 of our series they discuss how Microsoft Azure and cloud computing can be leveraged to help accelerate the transition to DevOps in an organization. 

  • [1:37] What is DevOps and why is it important?
  • [9:53] What is “Shadow IT” and how can it be disruptive to businesses and organizations?
  • [12:35]  What does Microsoft Azure offer me?
  • [16:19]  How does Microsoft Azure align with DevOps?
  • [21:50DEMO Microsoft Azure in action!
Did you miss Part 1 with Jessica DeVita and Gene Kim? Find it here!

Monday, June 9, 2014

App Watch: Family Edition

I will the first to admit that I'm not very "app crazy" on my phone or my computer.  I was an avid BlackBerry user when the iPhone first came out, so when I switched to a Windows Phone, I wasn't really looking to download every app on the market.  And when it comes to Windows 8, I'll be the first to tell you that I live on my desktop, so even native Windows 8 apps take a lot to impress me.

However, I do have a family and all the joys and trials that come with sharing a household, so I wanted to share a couple Windows apps that are new and pretty interesting.

For the Windows Phone, check out the Cozi Family Organizer. I tried out the Cozi website a while back and liked the idea, plus it had a iPhone app for my husband.  But since there wasn't a Windows Phone equivalent at the time, it was hard for me to get on board. Now that oversight has been corrected, so I'll likely be signing up again to give the service another try.

For Windows 8, nothing beat a good app to keep the little ones busy for a while.  My kids are a little too young to appreciate the great features of the Crayola Color, Draw and Sing (I'll save this one for later because it has a cool two-player mode for larger screens), but an instant hit was Interactive Touch Books - For Kids!   They loved playing the stories over and over. If they continue to expand the titles, I'll pay!

Now let me go see if I can pry my computer back from my kids...

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Get started with Part 1 of the TechNet Radio Series "Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud"

Jessica DeVita welcomes Gene Kim, co-author of "The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps And Helping Your Business Win" and founder and former CTO of Tripwire to the show as they kick off this special “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio. 
Tune in as they dive into the world of DevOps and learn how this high performance concept is revolutionizing the tech industry. In Part 1 they provide a foundation for why this is important for IT Pros as well as dispel some common myths while shedding light on how everyone – from IT Pros, developers, businesses, end-users and customers can greatly benefit by building DevOps into their organization. 

What in this Video:
  • [0:44] What is DevOps?
  • [3:03] Is DevOps a new role or new tool?
  • [8:03]  Does DevOps encourage Developers to perform Operations/IT Pro tasks themselves? Is it NoOps?
  • [13:44]  Is "DevOps" just another name for Agile development?
  • [15:45]  Tell me about this idea of “technical debt”
  • [17:54]  What causes high performance in organizations that practice DevOps?
  • [20:25] How should an IT organization begin thinking about transitioning towards DevOps? How do we start?
  • [24:30] Why is "DevOps" important to IT Pros?
  • [28:13] Where can people go to learn more about DevOps?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Keep that Microsoft Profile Updated!

Email management is a tough thing.  I struggle with it daily, often opting to quickly hit "unsubscribe" to all emails that come into my mailbox on any given day, just out of frustration.  If you've followed me for a while, you'll know I'm one of those "Inbox Zero" types, forever striving to have nothing to address via email.

I do lots of things to avoid getting emails and other things I consider "spammy"... I scan every form I'm filling out for the "opt out" boxes.  I try hard not to have my conference badge scanned at event expos because I don't want any extra mail.  At previous jobs, I've been known to have a fake phone number, complete with a voice mail message, that I used for registrations - simply so I never had to deal with cold calls.  (I don't like voice mail either, don't get me started.)

That being said, sometimes you DO want to be informed - particularly about events or about technologies that interest you.  My friend and colleague, Kevin Remde, just put up a great blog post about how Microsoft takes your preferences seriously - so seriously that you may have opted out of something you didn't mean to.

So check out Kevin's post for the "how to" and then check your Microsoft profile to ensure you are getting only the information you need and want.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Checking In... Happy Tuesday!

Ah... Life.  How it gets in the way of things sometimes.  I'm looking forward to some slowing down of things as we get into June and July, which gives me some time to concentrate on finishing up with updating my MCSE.

Microsoft has been busy updating certifications in the last year, so now you'll find options for the MTA (Technology Associate), MCSA (Solutions Associate) and the MCSE (Solutions Expert).  I'm working toward the Server Infrastructure MCSE, so I still have exams 70-413 and 70-414 to go.

For preparation, I've got a copy of the 70-413 Exam Ref book, but I also like to mix up my studying materials with content from MVA (Microsoft Virtual Academy) and TechNet documentation to fill in areas where I might need some extra clarification.  What's nice about the Virtual Academy is that you can add the courses to your profile and then work through them at your own pace. Finally, I look for sessions from TechEd and other conferences that I'm might have attended that line up with test concepts.

If there is good in-person training in my area, I look for that as well. If you are in the SF area (or can get there easily, don't miss out on the chance to attend TechDays, organized by PacITPros.  This low-cost, two day event has a line up of great speakers and there is sure to be a topic for everyone. Register at

Today, I reviewed the booklet of sessions from TechEd for Monday (baby steps!) and here is what is on my short list to watch this week (Warning: these might completely unrelated to my exam studying):

  1. Windows PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffery Snover (DCIM-B318)
  2. Microsoft Azure Storage (DCIM-B384)
  3. Hybrid Identity: Extending Active Directory to the Cloud (PCIT-B313)
Also, if you are looking to learn more about Windows 8.1 in the Enterprise, register for an upcoming MVA JumpStart in mid-June! The instructors are Tommy Patterson and Simon May, so it's sure to be an enjoyable and educational few days.

Date: June 17, 18, & 19, 2014
Registration page:

Windows 8.1 Update for Enterprise Jump Start
Are you tackling BYOD? Windows 8.1 Update, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Phone can help! Find out how in this demo-filled, three-day Jump Start course with live Q&A. Plus, get the latest from the TechEd and Build conferences, and prepare for MCSE: Desktop Infrastructure and MCSA: Windows 8.1 certifications.
Seasoned experts share real-world experience as they explore the new feature set in Windows 8.1 Update. Dive deep into key enterprise scenarios around System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2 and Windows Intune management and security, and explore virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), disk deduplication and tiering, and the Remote Desktop app.
Windows 8.1 Update can simplify the management of tomorrow's IT environments, while tangibly improving today's end-user experience. Sign up for this fast-paced Jump Start, and find out more.

Anyway, happy Tuesday folks!

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