Of course, Windows 10 is coming! I've got a couple devices just waiting for July 29th, including my parents machines... so I'll be enjoying some time helping them get their computers upgraded.
However, once August rolls around, there are other things to do, so it's time to get out from behind the computers and check out some upcoming events.
First off, for you Seattle folks, SITPUG will be having their August 5th meeting from 6:00 to 8:00pm in Bellevue. Visit www.SITPUG.com for more information.
If you are in Boston, Portland and Denver, be sure to check out the upcoming Angelbeat events in those areas. My Tech Evangelist colleagues and I have been presenting at those events as we can and they are a great way to get a quick update on tech topics. The Boston and Denver events will even be having special extended sessions on Azure.