Friday, November 27, 2009

Microsoft Security Essentials - Accessible for the Visually Impaired

On occasion, someone from one of my non-tech interests overlaps with my "geek" interests. A blind friend posted a question to the "Twitter-verse" asking about anti-virus software that was accessible for the JAWS screen reading software.

My first response was to suggest Microsoft's Security Essentials, but I didn't know if it was accessible in the way that was needed. Turns out, not only does MSE
rank well against a variety of other anti-virus software offerings, it is accessible with at least JAWS 9. I suspect it will equally accessible with the most recent JAWS version as well.

The only issue was that download the software itself wasn't particularly accessible. This
detailed post on the "Blind Access Journal" blog lists out how to download the software using JAWS. Once that hurdle is overcome, Security Essentials is a great fit for users who have special software needs and don't want AV software to get in the way of other applications that make their computers such valuable tools.

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