Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Windows 7 RC on my Samsung NC10

Finally got around to installing Windows 7 on my Samsung NC10 netbook - not that I haven't been dying to since TechEd in Los Angeles, I just hadn't the time until the other night. It probably helped that PacITPros was having a Windows 7 Loadfest meeting and I wanted to have it ready to go.

The install was pretty quick and although I had backed up all my personal files, it was great that everything that was on XP was convienently backed up to the "windows.old" folder. (It made reinstalling iTunes extra fast since I didn't have to reload my music from backup DVDs.)

I love the way it looks and it didn't have any trouble finding drivers for all the basics - wireless network card, bluetooth mouse, built-in video. Had to use some Vista drivers from the manufacturer for some of the Samsung specific things, like the special function keys, battery manager, etc. Found a great blog article by Ade Miller about installing Window 7 on the Samsung, which was really helpful in the driver search.

The biggest issue so far has been with the free version of AVG anti-virus, which was severely slowing down the boot. I'm trying out the free version of Avaste and that seems to be working well so far. Now I need actually start using it do my regular work.

1 comment:

  1. I had an issue when running AVG on my NC10 with Windows 7 RC/RTM. Always forced me to login by clicking my username and as you mentioned there is a severe slow down when booting...

    It is weird as I have Windows 7 on my desktop machine with AVG and it works fine.


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