Sunday, December 6, 2009

On my calendar - SharePoint and Virtualization

I've got a couple if interesting things coming up this week.

First, I'm taking a quick 2-day LearnIT! class on Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. There has been a desire to add on some collaboration tools specifically for meeting management at the office and I'm hoping this short class will get me pointed in the right direction.

Later this week, I'll be one of the case study speakers on virtualization at Network World's IT Roadmap 2009. If you are there, be sure to drop me a tweet @jkc137. The conference Twitter handle is supposed to be @itroadmap, but that account currently seems to be a bit spam-filled at the moment. I hope they resolve that before Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. If you have not taken a look at Mindtouch it is worth a little research if you are just beginning to work with sharepoint.


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