Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ImageRight and a Remote Desktop display bug

This week starts our official "pilot" roll out of Server 2008 RemoteApp. This is our planned replacement of Citrix for remote access to several of our regularly used applications. We are only using the Server 2008 (not R2) on the application server because our imaging application, ImageRight (version 4.3), does not support 64-bit. If you are planning on doing something similar, there is a minor display bug when access ImageRight v4 through the Remote Web Applications interface and it's likely related to how the drop down menus are rendered using ActiveX. The problem is not repeated when one logs onto the server directly.

In the "File Open" menu, there are drop-down menus for choosing the drawer
and file type of the file you are looking for. In this example, the drawer selection defaults to "All Locations," but depending on your personal settings, it may default to a particular drawer that is used most often.

When a user attempts to drop-down the drawer menu to select another option, the menu appears to snap closed quickly and does not allow a selection, making it impossible to switch drawers. (The File Type selection menu works fine.)

This display bug is not scheduled to be fixed in ImageRight version 4 of the software and it's not a problem in version 5.0 according to ImageRight support. Meanwhile, the work-around is simple. Right next to the "File Open" tab, is a "Search" tab. The Search tab allows for more specific options to selected - down to page types and document descriptions. However, it all does the same basic features as the "File Open" tab.

In my office this isn't a commonly used tab, we have another search tool that searches across other records databases at the same time, so I have to make sure to point out the issue to new users and provide the work-around information up front. While I'd like our remote access to ImageRight to be a seamless as working in the office, this display issue isn't a showstopper.


  1. We also use IR for segements outide the few specifics. AP, IT for doc storage of RFC's etc.

    Have you been able to deploy the IR printer to be able to upload from local desktop to IR remoteapp. Exploring different way to deploy the application with out a full desktop. Just started working with RemoteApp and am exploring xenapp as well(for fun). We use full published ts desktops running ms server 08 x64. I got past a few variables in the registry(using locally installed IR printer only) but am hung up trying to get the actual interaction and filing. IR 3.5 slightly behind your 4.0 version. I am waiting for a response from IR but saw your post as their are not that many IR results out on the web.
    -Tim Daugherty
    Mercator Risk Services

  2. We have IR5 and I tried to set up the RemoteApp and ran into a similar display bug. Sorry but it is not fixed in the latest version.

    Carla Lundberg
    BETA Healthcare Group


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