Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Red Arrows on connected Terminal Services Users

Now that I've been actively working to move people from our aging Citrix setup to Server 2008 Terminal Services, I've been spending some more time in Terminal Services Manager. While there, I've noticed that outside of my adminstrator level account, all the connected users have an icon with a red down arrow next to them.

My first thought was that it was a licensing issue, so I checked the terminal services licensing server. We license by device and everything seemed to be in order. My next stop was a search on the internet, where I turned up this lone post on eggheadcafe.com. The reply about it being a "known issue" is not terribly outdated so I'm just going to let the red arrows be for a while and move on to other things.


  1. "It's not a bug. It's a feature."

  2. Found this on Microsoft Technet website:
    "The computer will appear in the left pane and a green up arrow on the icon associated with the computer indicates that you are connected to the computer."
    "A red down arrow on the icon associated with the computer indicates that you are not connected to the computer"


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