Friday, November 5, 2010

Don’t Miss Out on gogoNET Live! Videos

On Wednesday, I had the pleasure of doing the post-presentation interviews for the speakers at the gogoNET Live! IPv6 Conference. These short little chats should be posted at in the next few days and will give you a taste of what each presentation included and some tips for implementing IPv6.  Hopefully I’ll have some time in the next few weeks to listen to some of the full presentations (soon to be available as well), so here are few that will be on my list.

  • Bob Hiden, Check Point Fellow and Co-inventor of IPv6 - his presentation on why IPv6 was invented will give anyone a good overview of why IPv6 is a necessary move for anyone who uses or supports activities on the Internet.
  • Elise Gerich, Vice President of IANA and John Curran, President and CEO of ARIN – both spoke about the various aspects of the anatomy of IPv4 address depletion.  I’ve always been fascinated by the DNS and IP address infrastructures that make the internet work and you can’t get any closer to the source that with these industry executives.
  • Silvia Hagan, CEO of Sunny Connection – Silvia’s presentation was on how to convince your boss to make the move to IPv6. She’s also the author of the O’Reilly book on IPv6, so trust her ideas are good ones.
  • Jeremy Duncan, the Senior Director of IPv6 Network Services at Command Information – Jeremy focused on how to set up and get the most out of your test/lab network.  We all will have to start somewhere when it comes to learning about IPv6 and some good tips on getting your lab of the ground will go a long way.
  • Joe Klein, the Cyber Security Principal Architect at QinetiQ – IPv6 has many security features built right in.  Be sure to check out what Joe has to say about the features, changes and possibilities once IPv6 is well established. 
Special Note: As of this writing, the videos are not yet posted.  Make a note to check in a next week to see when they are available.

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