Monday, January 31, 2011

And With That, She's Geeky Bay Area #4 Ends...

I had a fabulous time at She's Geeky again this year.  Just like last year in Mountain View, it was a great chance to experience the various kinds of geekiness that bringing over 150 women together in a room generates. I hosted a small session about Systems Administration on the last day and spent the rest of the conference enjoying sessions on things like cyber identity issues, open source standards creation, "being present" while juggling new mobile technologies and wine tasting.  (Hey, there are many kinds of geekdoms!)

The next She's Geeky will be held in Washington DC, so if you or someone you know is in the area (and happens to be a geeky woman), I totally recommend attending at least one of the days.  Personally I go to all of them, since it's impossible to know ahead of time what each day will bring!

I've got some great ideas for some upcoming posts based on some of the things the event got me thinking about more, so stay tuned.  Meanwhile, don't forget about the Pacific IT Professionals meeting tomorrow evening. Be sure to RSVP if you are planning to attend.

Finally in other news, today is the day that IANA has handed out it's last block of IPv4 address.  Check out a quick post over at that explains more

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