@WIRED - Jonathan Coulton explains how Glee ripped off his cover song — and why he’s not alone. http://oak.ctx.ly/r/21k1
- Safer Online by MSFT
@Safer_Online - Looking for a great way to teach your toddler#OnlineSafety? Look no further than "Digiduck's Big Decision." http://bit.ly/XpCfNX#PDF - Elecia White
@logicalelegance - Why is the best book I've read lately about Rabies? Good book, neater subject than I expected. http://www.amazon.com/Rabid-Cultural-History-Worlds-Diabolical/dp/0670023736/
- Ben Goodman
@benontech - Boxes sealed with ATHEIST tape lost by USPS 10X more often than controls - This will make@samj 's head explode http://bgis.me/16YcUSI - Stephen Foskett
@SFoskett - Good read: The truth about the TSA’s pointless knife fight http://bit.ly/XuPPjy
- Leaping Woman
@leapingwoman - Today my kid sister sent me the link to@zefrank’s chillout song. Her timing couldn’t have been better http://j.mp/ZTRHlA
- BuzzFeed
@BuzzFeed - 19 photos you'll have to explain to your kids one day http://bzfd.it/YFQTH4 pic.twitter.com/Eb3saRW7dA
- Hans Vredevoort
@hvredevoort - New blog on how to use Boot from VHDX to quickly take advantage of#WinServ#12R2 and Windows 8.1: http://www.hyper-v.nu/archives/hvredevoort/2013/06/windows-server-2012-r2-and-windows-8-1-boot-from-vhdx/ …#TEE13#teched
- mars_seven
@mars_seven - The Pixar Theory: Every Character Lives in the Same Universe http://zite.to/12tJJG0 via@zite - Marques Lyons
@tromboneforhire - RT@MSFTnews: Kinect connects sign-language users with their computers http://spr.ly/6016Znuu
- In the Cloud
@InTheCloudMSFT - IT Pros, trust me on this: it's well worth your time to read this post about apps, dev tools, & how to lead. http://aka.ms/og659z - Melody Bliss
@melodybliss - Don't text & drive - From One Second To The Next - Texting While Driving Documentary - Werner Herzog http://youtu.be/Xk1vCqfYpos
- laen
@laen - http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/05/government-betrayed-internet-nsa-spying … <-- The US Government has betrayed the Internet. We need to take it back, an essay by@Bruce_Schneier
- The Doctor
@virtadpt - Male#knitting in a coffee shop questioned by#police, turns out very differently than expected: https://madmanknitting.wordpress.com/2013/10/19/i-was-questioned-by-the-police/ … - Heather Akers-Healy
@abbynormative - Extremely interesting read: Acquiring Forensic Evidence from Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud Computing http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~dykstra/DFRWS_Dykstra.pdf …#NSA
@WIRED - Bye bye. These are tech sounds you'll never hear again. http://wrd.cm/1iVJisc#WIREDclassic - Bill Oakley
@thatbilloakley - Describing today to someone from 1953: Every six seconds all your friends send you a telegram and a brand new LIFE magazine is thrown at you
@WIRED - The IT department is dead. Long live the IT department http://wrd.cm/1feuZyy - Daniel Donda
@DanielDonda - How to Install Hyper-V on a Virtual Machine in Hyper-V - Gilson Banin - Microsoft Premier Field... http://fb.me/6ASPg6REU - Dane Jasper
@dane - "This 100-year-old deal birthed the modern phone system. And it’s all about to end." http://m.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/12/19/this-100-year-old-deal-birthed-the-modern-phone-system-and-its-all-about-to-end/