Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: In Tweets

It wouldn’t be the last day in 2013 without some kind of recap, now would it?  Sometimes I wonder about some of the things that pass me by in the fire hose of information on the Internet these days, so maybe you missed something here! (Some techy, some not!)
  • WIRED@WIRED - Jonathan Coulton explains how Glee ripped off his cover song — and why he’s not alone. http://oak.ctx.ly/r/21k1
  • Ben Goodman@benontech - Boxes sealed with ATHEIST tape lost by USPS 10X more often than controls - This will make @samj 's head explode http://bgis.me/16YcUSI
  • Stephen Foskett@SFoskett - Good read: The truth about the TSA’s pointless knife fight http://bit.ly/XuPPjy
  • Leaping Woman@leapingwoman - Today my kid sister sent me the link to @zefrank’s chillout song. Her timing couldn’t have been better http://j.mp/ZTRHlA
  • In the Cloud@InTheCloudMSFT - IT Pros, trust me on this: it's well worth your time to read this post about apps, dev tools, & how to lead. http://aka.ms/og659z
  • Melody Bliss@melodybliss - Don't text & drive - From One Second To The Next - Texting While Driving Documentary - Werner Herzog http://youtu.be/Xk1vCqfYpos
  • WIRED@WIRED - Bye bye. These are tech sounds you'll never hear again. http://wrd.cm/1iVJisc #WIREDclassic
  • Bill Oakley@thatbilloakley - Describing today to someone from 1953: Every six seconds all your friends send you a telegram and a brand new LIFE magazine is thrown at you
Here’s to another year of sharing information!

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