Monday, May 20, 2013

Favorited Tweets from the Past!!!

I often use the "favorite" feature of Twitter as a quick way to bookmark links I want to read more closely or visit again.  It's always interesting to see what I thought needed a second look.  Here are a few related to technology or science:
  • 5/9/13, @wired - Computer guts get an eerie makeover.
  • 4/17/13, @acardwell - Just saw this GE ad and wow - does GE not get that Agent Smith was the bad guy and that the matrix is a bad thing?
  • 4/17/13, @thurrott - Microsoft Account Gets Enhanced Security
  • 4/16/13, @wired - Microsoft wants to be more like Amazon. And Amazon wants to be more like Microsoft.
  • 4/11/13, ‏@expta - Individual Fix for Exchange Soft Delete Problem Proves Worth of Support Contracts  #MSExchange #IamMEC
  • 3/13/13, ‏@ExchServPro - Google Reader. You can (a) protest loudly, or (b) start moving your critical needs away from Google's services. I'm going with (b) I think.
  • 11/17/12, ‏@mars_seven - Top 10 Active Directory Tasks Solved with PowerShell  via @zite
  • 8/30/12, ‏@rdfrs - “Bionic eye goes live in world first by Australian researchers" - Kate Hagan -
  • 8/12/12, ‏@anca - For @menslow: A child's skull, before their milk teeth fall out. This is freakier than all the Alien films combined.
  • 8/19/11, ‏@afranq - How to Win at Rock, Paper, Scissors -

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