Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Summer of 2014: In Tweets

September starts to mark the end of summer for me in my mind, even if the weather might not completely agree. So as students return to school, the leaves begin to turn and all the fall fashions start to make their way into the storefronts, I bring you some highlights from this summer on the Internet, via tweets.

Social / Culture
Science / Tech
  • @WIRED (Aug 12) - How isolation units contain the world's deadliest diseases
  • @adfskitteh (Aug 3) - RT @danpi: How do we relate Cloud services to food?  Pizza as a Service of course! => Best. Cloud. Analogy. EVER.
  • @noblewb (Aug 1) - NASA tested an impossible space engine and it somehow worked  via @verge
  • @engadget (Jul 27) - Microsoft explains quantum computing in a way we can all understand  
  • @macsound (Jun 18) - Interesting video focusing on technical data from Challenger. I've learned heaps.
  • @melodybliss (Jun 17) - Building the Part of Facebook No One Ever Sees

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