Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ignite Is Around The Corner!

Yeah, I keep calling it TechEd.  Old habits die hard, I guess, but I'm looking forward to being there next week.  However, I haven't had time to really look at the schedule, since I will be spending a lot of time hanging out in the Windows Client area on the expo floor.  Stop by to visit!

If you happen to be in the Chicago area early on Sunday and want to get a jump on some Azure and Hybrid Cloud learning, sign up for the Ignite version of our IT Camp!  We want it to be huge and it even comes with $100 voucher to the Microsoft Store!  It starts at noon, so you can still sleep in.

Register at http://aka.ms/monsteritcamp

But seriously, I need to nail down my schedule. If you've got a sessions you think can't be missed, let me know in the comments!

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