Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Acclerate DevOps with the Cloud - I'm hosting Part 8 on TechNet Radio!

As promised, in part 8 of the  “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer and Jennelle Crothers explore the world of roll-backs and how Microsoft Azure can streamline both the roll-back and roll-forward process for most dev teams.

  • [1:40] It seems like most dev teams spend lots of time on roll-forward plans for new code releases, but roll-backs are always a chore! Why is this?
  • [3:28] How can Azure help to streamline the roll-forward and roll-back process?
  • [8:00]  What about Virtual Machines – does Azure have anything to help with roll-forward and roll-back?
  • [9:44]  I hear a lot of "Continuous Deployment" of code releases. Isn't that risky?
  • [13:40] DEMO: Let’s see how this is done in Azure!
Then in part 9 of the series, Keith Mayer and Yung Chou are back and discuss in depth the ability for DevOps organizations to scale up or scale down cloud applications. Tune in as they discuss Azure’s unique flexibility in terms of capacity planning for cloud applications.
·       [1:07] How is planning for application capacity different when using a cloud platform?
·       [4:50] How is scaling application capacity different or better when using the cloud?
·       [5:52]  Are there application scenarios that are particularly well-suited for scaling in the cloud?
·       [14:01]  Is there a way to trigger scaling operations automatically for applications in the cloud?
·       [15:20] DEMO: Could you show us the basics of how this all works in Azure?
o   Scaling Up Cloud Applications
o   How to Scale Out Cloud applications on a schedule
o   Auto-Scaling Cloud Applications

Only one more part to go!

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