Monday, June 9, 2014

App Watch: Family Edition

I will the first to admit that I'm not very "app crazy" on my phone or my computer.  I was an avid BlackBerry user when the iPhone first came out, so when I switched to a Windows Phone, I wasn't really looking to download every app on the market.  And when it comes to Windows 8, I'll be the first to tell you that I live on my desktop, so even native Windows 8 apps take a lot to impress me.

However, I do have a family and all the joys and trials that come with sharing a household, so I wanted to share a couple Windows apps that are new and pretty interesting.

For the Windows Phone, check out the Cozi Family Organizer. I tried out the Cozi website a while back and liked the idea, plus it had a iPhone app for my husband.  But since there wasn't a Windows Phone equivalent at the time, it was hard for me to get on board. Now that oversight has been corrected, so I'll likely be signing up again to give the service another try.

For Windows 8, nothing beat a good app to keep the little ones busy for a while.  My kids are a little too young to appreciate the great features of the Crayola Color, Draw and Sing (I'll save this one for later because it has a cool two-player mode for larger screens), but an instant hit was Interactive Touch Books - For Kids!   They loved playing the stories over and over. If they continue to expand the titles, I'll pay!

Now let me go see if I can pry my computer back from my kids...

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