Monday, June 30, 2014

The Last Part of "Accelerate DevOps in the Cloud" on TechNet Radio

Alright everyone, all good things must come to an end.  Here is the last part of the DevOps Series on TechNet Radio.

Concluding the special “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” series on TechNet Radio, Keith Mayer welcomes back Jeff Fattic to the show as they discuss how Visual Studio Online can help DevOps organizations optimize the performance of their applications in Part 10.
  • [2:16] How does Visual Studio Online help organizations monitor the performance of their applications?
  • [5:16] Can Application Insights notify me proactively when performance issues are occurring?
  • [6:00]  Can Application Insights help me track and ensure availability of my deployed applications world-wide?
  • [6:32] Can Application Insights help me understand how my users are actually using my deployed applications?
  • [8:16] What about an application that is generating exceptions? Can Application Insights help my Developers and Ops teams work together to identify the issue and reduce "finger pointing"?
  • [11:08] Does Application Insights require me to deploy applications to Azure, or can I also continue to deploy some applications on-premises and still monitor them?
  • [13:12] How can I configure Application Insights for an application? Is it difficult?
  • [13:50] DEMO: Application Insights

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