Thursday, January 21, 2010

Data Privacy Day: 1/28/10

Next Thursday, January 28th, is Data Privacy Day. It's a relatively new day of celebration - this is the third year, but the goal is to promote awareness around data privacy and stimulate new development of privacy tools and encourage compliance with privacy regulations. Several events are being held in conjunction around the US, Canada and over two dozen European countries.
As an official sponsor, Microsoft will be participating in a event held in Washington, DC. Here in the bay area, Stanford Law School will be hosting an panel on Money and Privacy that is open to the community. Also, if you are so inclined, the International Association of Privacy Professionals will be having some “Privacy After Hours” evening networking events.
If nothing else, you might want to take some time that day to review some of the publicly available information about yourself. Type your name into your favorite search engine. Double-check those privacy settings in Facebook and make sure only a limited amount of information available is to people who aren’t part of your immediate network. Consider removing your profile from social networking sites you no longer participate in regularly.
The Internet and the growth of social media has made it so much easier to stay in touch with those we care about and connect with others who share our interests. However, don’t make it too easy for others to use those tools to against you.
And one more thing – it’s probably time you changed your password.

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