Friday, January 29, 2010

She’s Geeky: Day 1

Today I attended my first “She’s Geeky” unConference. I didn’t know what to expect, but after today I highly recommend checking it out if you are a woman who works in technology (or mention it to a woman you know in the math, science or tech fields).
Lots of women were willing to talk about the areas that interested them in technology, so the day was filled with a variety of topics ranging from using social media to “green” technology, programming and development to Internet privacy and identity. (I even managed to make some time to present an overview of Windows 7!)
The privacy and identity talk was lively and full of ideas about one’s online identity(s) and how managing those can be different for women for a variety of reasons. Managing online privacy is only going to get more important as data continues to be collected, stored and mined, regardless of gender.
Notes from all the sessions will be compiled and available online, so I’m looking forward to being able to recap what I’ve learned (or missed) at the end of the weekend. While not everyone does the same type of “tech” it was a great experience to spend the day with other women who were all passionate about whatever thing that made them “geeky”.

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