Sunday, January 31, 2010

She’s Geeky Conference: Days 2 & 3

This weekend I enjoyed some more great sessions at the She’s Geeky unConference. Not only was this event filled with a collection of fantastic women with a variety of tech interests that I can’t even begin to list, it was a great opportunity to learn new tips and tricks for soft skills that aren’t always high on the “geekdom” list! Practicing the “elevator pitch”, improving your speaking skills and discussing how to manage transition as tech roles evolve were some of the sessions on agenda wall today. The notes for the sessions will be posted to the She’s Geeky Wiki over the next few days and I’ll post the links to the sessions I enjoyed most when they are available.
The one thing that seemed to be missing from the weekend was other system administrators. I was excited to enjoy the experience with Jessica DeVita, the owner of UberGeekGirl, but it was a little hard to believe that out of approximately 300 registered attendees, less than .01% identified themselves as server or desktop administrators. Those that even hinted they might have done it previously didn’t even utter the word “Windows”.
Is there something about this particular area of tech that makes it even less appealing for women? Maybe that will have to be a session topic when I attend next year.

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