Friday, January 22, 2010

Windows Update Hiccups Occasionally

Ran into an interesting Windows Update issue today. I have a freshly built Windows 2008 Server and have it set to automatically run Windows Update. The majority of the updates were installing with incident, but it kept reporting a problem installing two updates - KB967723 (TCP/IP vulnerability) and KB976098 (time zone update).

The error code was 80070490, which isn't particularly helpful. Most mentions of it I've run across in the 'net involve Vista users who seem to think they need to reinstall their OS. Also not helpful and hopefully not the same problem!

Windows Update was happily installing other updates after the failed attempts, so the problem was specific to those two updates. The event log reported 4374 Warning - "package is not applicable for this system." Seems that for some reason the Windows Update service was calling the wrong version of the package, as both of those updates apply to all the current Windows operating systems. Downloading each package and manually installing them did the trick.

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